The Writings of Emmanuel Fru Doh The Cameroons is in the grips of a perpetual tailspin. The confusion and lack of clarity in the…
Benjamin Hart Fishkin
Benjamin Hart Fishkin
Dr Benjamin Hart Fishkin is an Assistant Professor of English at Tuskegee University. He has won several distinguished awards, amongst which, the Buford Boone Memorial Fellowship, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival Scholarship Award and the George Mills Harper Graduate Student Travel Award.
Living (In)Dependence
Critical Perspectives on Global Interdependence Living (In)Dependence: Critical Perspectives on Global Interdependence embraces a multidisciplinary approach to the interconnectedness of independence and dependence in…
Novel Perspectives on African and Black Diasporic Literature Through multiple points of resistance, The Repressed Expressed underscores how hard it is to build a community in…
This book is an opportune warning that alienation, estrangement and intentional diminishment serve as a cancer upon those who disburse it. The outsider suffers…
Human Memory in Literature This book is a timely humanistic touch to memory studies. It uses literature as a laboratory for the workings of…