This collection of poems evolves as a network and satellite of an expressive pursuit of justice with a difference. For, though this poetry simultaneously…
Bongasu Tanla Kishani

Bongasu Tanla Kishani
Bongasu Tanla Kishani was born at Kïtiïùwuàm in Nso’, Cameroon. A leading Cameroonian poet and teacher by profession, he is currently Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Yawunde 1, Cameroon. In 1990 the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) short-listed and awarded the first position to his published collection of poems, Konglanjo (Spears of Love without Ill-fortune) (1988). Besides publishing in several National and International Journals and Reviews like ABBIA (Cameroon), Preàsence Africaine (Paris), Loquitur (Rome), Bongasu Tanla Kishani has also published another enriching collection of his poems, entitled Kpuà e Goè’ e Njeèm (1998) in literate Laâm Nso’.
Bold, original and stimulating in its inspirational insights, A {Basket of Kola} Nuts explores Cameroon’s cultures as remarkable pivots of moral rectitude and such…