A Collection of Anecdotes It Does Matter To Listen is a collection of short anecdotal pieces of writings, spanning different subject areas—including politics, leadership and…
Ekpe Inyang

Ekpe Inyang
Ekpe Inyang hails from Korup and holds an MSc degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Strathclyde, UK. He has many years of experience, having worked, in different capacities, with the World Wide Fund for Nature, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Pan African Institute for Development—West Africa (PAID-WA) in Cameroon. He is author of several scientific articles and textbooks on environmental education, and has distinguished himself as a committed playwright. The Hill Barbers is his eighth play. His other plays are: Professor Adoniah, Beware, The Sacred Forest, The Swamps, The Game, Water Na Life, and The Last Hope.
Eni kaleidoscopically unveils human intrigues, predicaments and woes. It brings into sharp focus the most dreaded products of cruel oppression, exploitation, and destruction—the worst…
The best way to understand a people is to live with the people; the best way to live with the people is to share…
The Swamps presents a debauched tapestry of an utterly dehumanised Cameroonian society seeking regeneration through s a judicious deployment of myth, history, parables, song,…
Flashlight On Drama and Film
A Drama for Situation Analysis Guide Flashlight on Drama and Film succinctly describes how to use drama to afford target audiences opportunities to analyse…
An African Traditional Definition {The Forest: An African Traditional Definition} is aimed at providing the conservationist with some basic ideas as to which cultural…
Language of the Bororp of the Korup ethnic group Kpewi Durorp is the third attempt at bringing Durorp into the public domain, and is…
Durorp-English Dictionary is probably the first attempt at compiling a comprehensive Dictionary of Durorp, the language of the people of Korup. It is a…
{Death of Hardship} kaleidoscopically unveils human intrigues, predicaments and woes. It brings into sharp focus the most dreaded products of cruel oppression, exploitation, and…
This play was written as part of an evaluation of Africa’s oldest and most diverse rainforest conservation initiative in the Korup area, with the…