(Kiléy Báh) In beautifully constructed verse, JK Bannavti’s Leopard Watch tells the story of a Fon who out of greed and veiled impiety devastates…
J.K. Bannavti

J.K. Bannavti
JK Bannavti was born in Sob, Bui Division in northwestern Cameroon, and now lives with his family in North Plainfield NJ, USA. Author of The Reapers and Freed into Jail (2007), Bannavti has worked as a Theatre actor and director in Cameroon and has taught English in the Bronx Community College of the City University of New York, and Maritime College of the State University of New York.
{Rock of God} centres on a significant war that Nso fought with Bamoun in the 1880s, and which war resulted in a devastating defeat…