A Dictionary of Popular Bali Names is an exceptional minefield of Chamba names, meticulously assembled and expatiated for the curious user. As a pioneer…
John Fokwang

John Fokwang
John Koyela Fokwang (1944-2009) was born in Bali Nyonga in the then British Southern Cameroons. He attended the Native Authority School in Bali where upon completing, was hired to teach as a Probationary Teacher. John Fokwang eventually went on to acquire further professional training as a teacher, culminating with a generous list of certificates including a diploma in Project Management from the University of Guelph, Canada. He was a founding member of the Association for Creative Teaching and the Kaberry Research Centre, Bamenda. John Fokwang is the author of the Lion and the Monkey, The Busy Spider, and several academic articles on rites of passage in the Cameroon grassfields.