This is abuse. It is all unwanted, of course. It is highs and lows. It is the mind shaken inside out. It is the…
The poems contained in this collection are cathartic songs. They convey an amalgam of experiences culled from the poet’s peregrinations around the globe. Each…
Tides of Fancy is a collection of forty-two poems which derides prevailing behavioural patterns which all, from the learned to the man on the street,…
Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress
Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs This book is a timely addition to debates and explorations on the epistemological relevance of African proverbs, especially with…
Dynamism in African Languages and Literature
Towards Conceptualisation of African Potentials The book provides novel perspectives towards conceptualisation of African Potentials. It explores diverse and dynamic aspects of linguistic communications…
Shifting Rhetorics in Linguistic and Literary Discourses The focus of this book is to assess, through language and literary studies in interpretation, the epistemic…
Restructuring agricultural cooperatives in Zimbabwe and Japan Through a careful allusive poetic composition process, the poet takes on the aberrant oppression that a mad…
Aporia is a long prose poem that makes a case for the Ambazonian Revolution. It is my conviction that the task of the genuine…
Sur l’invitation de son cousin Charlemagne, Benedict quitte Ndobo, son village natal au Mayuka, pour Touri dans l’Etat voisin de Jangaland. Mayuka est une…
Faust or Fast? This poem is a bluesy-jazzy drama replete with metaphor, epic simile, analogy, personification, synecdoche, irony, satire, allegory, imagery, etc. These are…