Logan, a young Canadian priest, finds himself in Jangaland, an African country in the throes of post-independence violence. His friendly relationship with the family…
Women’s Fiction
Many men believe that they own the world and that women are simply objects placed in that world to enable men to enjoy it…
The travails of day-to-day existence notwithstanding, Scolastica is an ordinary woman in Tobeningo who has struggled to carve a fairly successful life for herself.…
In {She Seized The Balls}, Ntube’s exploits can best be described as guided by the hand of providence. In a bid to inherit her…
This is the fascinating story of a young girl from a very poor family who raised her head high and raised the dignity of…
The Lady with the Sting is sequel to The Lady with a Beard. In the two novels Alobwed’Epie compares and contrasts the masculinity and femininity of the…
The Freshman Year Twelve-year-old Bridget and her friends are excited when they get admitted into one of the most prestigious boarding secondary schools in…
House of Falling Women is the story of a young woman with quixotic ideas about improving the lot of women who finds out that…
The village of Yakiri has been cursed by ancestral wrath because of the treatment of Yaa, the first girl who wrestled her male goatherd…