Despite all the talk about African renaissance, much of the continent is plagued by poverty and instability. To break out of that cycle, the…
Social Sciences
The Vanishing Black African Woman: A Compendium of the Global Skin-Lightening Practice (Volume Two)
A Compendium of the Global Skin-Lightening Practice Skin-lightening is currently one of the most common forms of potentially harmful body modification practices in the…
The Vanishing Black African Woman: A Compendium of the Global Skin-Lightening Practice (Volume One)
A Compendium of the Global Skin-Lightening Practice Skin-lightening is currently one of the most common forms of potentially harmful body modification practices in the…
Outline of the FS (Fear and Self-scrutiny) Methodology of Ubuntu Despite all the talk about African Renaissance, much of the continent is plagued by…
Ethnographic Insights from the BaTonga Community Museum in Zimbabwe Zimbabwean history is rooted in ethnic and cultural identities, inequalities, and injustices which the post-colonial…
Violence, Politics and Conflict Management in Africa
Envisioning Transformation, Peace and Unity in the Twenty-First Century This volume critically interrogates, from different angles and dimensions, the resilience of conflict and violence…
A Cross-Cultural Perspective This book explores the symbiotic relationship between philosophy and culture. Every philosophy emerges as a reaction to, or as justification for…
Using expibasketical theory and findings, this book attempts to understand and explain some of the wonders of love and the impacts these have on…
TIC, colonialité, patriarcat
Société mondialisée, occidentalisée, excessive, accélérée… quels impacts sur la pensée féministe? Pistes africaines Cet ouvrage interroge la politisation/dépolitisation des organisations de femmes et féministes…
Economic Development and Historical Perspective The Mbos are a large ethnic group in present day Cameroon and were an important and powerful group until…