African-Japanese Anthropological Approach Africa has fostered a rich culture of gender and sexuality from which non-African societies can learn. Most African traditional sexual customs…
Social Sciences
Esquisse de construction d’un paradigme endogène de la paix Cet ouvrage qui est consacré à la femme, aborde l’une des problématiques d’actualité lourde qu’est…
Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress
Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs This book is a timely addition to debates and explorations on the epistemological relevance of African proverbs, especially with…
COVID-19 Manifestation, Ramifications and Future Prospects for Zimbabwe
A Multi-disciplinary Perspective The advent of Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) pandemic has caused much distress, despondence, fear and pandemonium across all nations of…
Begging to Survive by Zimbabwe’s marginalised One of the oldest survival pursuits undertaken by the weak and the downtrodden people across the world has…
Some Unsung Black Revolutionary Voices and Visions from Pre-Colony to Post-Independence and Beyond
This volume confronts black problems rooted in historical and material realities of oppression, colonialism, slavery, corruption, and subjugation in a world deaf to the…
From #RhodesMustFall Movements to #HumansMustFall Movements
African Liberation Movements in the Age of the Transhumanist Geographies of Death Might it be possible that the world is being migrated into an…
Dynamism in African Languages and Literature
Towards Conceptualisation of African Potentials The book provides novel perspectives towards conceptualisation of African Potentials. It explores diverse and dynamic aspects of linguistic communications…
Beyond the Dichotomy In Africa, people striving to live and survive under the complex relationship between development and subsistence have been directly or indirectly…
Knowledge, Education and Social Structure in Africa
In searching for the potential that lies in African societies, the chapters of this volume consider relationships between knowledge, education and social structure from…